Patient Satisfaction Solutions

Make patient satisfaction a priority.

then retain.

Bring in new patients, and keep the ones you have. That sounds simple, and with our patient satisfaction solutions, it can be. Qure4u empowers you to deliver patient-centered, timely, efficient care … you just need to add the friendly smile.

Our solutions help you meet your patients where they are, while providing a level of digital convenience that they’ve come to expect. And to make it even easier, there’s no login required for your patients to access the software.


The simplicity
patients want.

Patient Satisfaction Solutions

Patients do everything on their phones and tablets, and that should include scheduling appointments with their providers. Plus, not only can your patients use any device they choose, they don’t need to log in.

Bonus: you’ll save valuable time for every call your staff doesn’t need to answer. Satisfaction for everyone!


Use feedback
to make changes.

Patient Satisfaction Solutions

These user-friendly surveys are completely customizable and give you the power to learn if your patients are satisfied with how your organization is operating … and then where to make improvements, if needed.

Automated surveys: HIPAA-compliant patient satisfaction surveys are sent to the patient via text and email as soon as the appointment is checked out.

Reputation management: Satisfaction analytics help drive the organization’s strategy around patient engagement. Drill down the data by reviewing the ratings by department and/or provider. 

"When a patient feels important, they'll never leave you, because they know you're dedicated to them."

Patient Satisfaction Solutions

Qure4u solutions are created to generate exceptional results with fewer clicks and simple functionality. Your patients and staff will also love the user-friendly modern design and style.


Expand the reach
of your providers.

Patient Satisfaction Solutions

Provide another access point for your patients to connect with you, making healthcare more accessible and convenient. With our app-less and account-less experience, patients can easily connect using their web or mobile browser, while providers can join the telehealth visit from their mobile device. See our reviews in the athenahealth marketplace.


Get with the times.

Patient Satisfaction Solutions

For you, it’s a HIPAA-compliant, bi-directional, provider-to-patient conversation solution that makes it a breeze to communicate with your patients from anywhere.

For your patients, it’s so easy to read and reply to messages that they will brag about you everywhere they go.

Patient satisfaction always gets a healthy boost when your start using Secure Text Messaging.

Get with the program.

Patient Satisfaction Solutions

Give your patient the freedom to get more info – without needing to call your office – by implementing a secure, HIPAA-compliant QuickAssist on your website.

The bot handles record requests, billing questions, test results, new patient registration, and whatever else your patients might need.

Also, your staff will appreciate easy-to-use worklists with the requests sorted.

Seamless EHR integration
